Friday, April 27, 2007

Questions for Monday's Discussion

1. Regarding ContactMaps, what are the potential advantages to everyone in an organization to make such maps public and searchable on the corporate intranet (consider the 3M case study for explicit roles documentation)?

2. As we’ve turned away from manufacturing jobs and been retrained to perform service sector jobs, do CSCW technologies provide the opportunity to build and track workflow solutions as effectively as the assembly line provided historically (consider the case study of environment sensors and data-driven change to science processes)?

3. Are workflow approaches to CSCW likely to provide richer life experiences as we are able to rotate between job functions more fluidly or more dehumanizing drudgery as we likely specialize work further (consider the EA Sports lawsuit in Vancouver)?

4. Does CMC-supported home-based work really bring family structure back towards the structure of agrarian times (do you buy the pink-collar worker vs. white-collar worker distinction argument)?

Bruce's discussion paper here.

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